Today, we start our journey through the Tilt 365 Model, which is based on character strengths. The model has four quadrants — Wisdom, Humanity, Courage and Resilience- each quadrant with three character strengths, each character strength with four character traits. If you’re quick with math, you’ve already figured out that the model has 48 character traits (4x3x4). We’ll go through each character trait, one week at a time, with an introduction for each quadrant — magically, that will take us a full year!


I do want to highlight that the Tilt 365 Model is holistic — we should develop all of the character traits in each quadrant (and, for the moments in time when you are showing up balanced in all quadrants, you are “Agile”). However, the Tilt 365 Model is also realistic, and recognizes that we all have our natural strengths and inclinations. Think about yourself in relation to each weekly trait. Is this a natural strength of yours? If so, do you sometimes overdo it? Is this something you would like to develop? If so, perhaps the weekly challenge will put you on the right path.


Learning to regulate what happens in your thoughts is a precursor to all other development, so mastery of the mind is where we begin. The Wisdom quadrant attends to how the mind manages Information and makes Judgments about that data. The three character strengths we develop in this section are Perspective, Focus and Diligence. When we work on the Wisdom character strengths, we are becoming aware of a part of our ego that is motivated by status and achievement (such as being known as capable or an expert in a particular area). Our interest and attention is focused on research, history and disciplines of mind.

Next week we’ll get started with one of the character traits in Perspective: Logical.

That’s not all… Take the next step on your path towards understanding why people do what they do by subscribing to Tilt Learning Journeys!