Today, we continue our journey through the Tilt 365 Model, as we move to the Humanity quadrant. We just finished Weekly Challenges related to the character traits that are a part of the three Wisdom quadrant character strengths: Perspective, Focus, and Diligence. As a reminder, the Tilt 365 Model is a holistic model based on character strengths, and we should develop a balance in all of these traits so that we can “tilt” to whatever is needed in the given context. We all have natural strengths and inclinations (and therefore, natural areas we should develop intentionally). The Weekly Challenges are designed to help individuals build a balance in each of the character traits.


While the Wisdom quadrant attends to the leadership of thoughts and the mind, the Humanity quadrant attends to leadership of people by focusing on collaborative service. The three character strengths we develop in this section are Likability, Empathy and Trust. When we work on the Humanity character strengths, we are becoming aware of a part of our ego that is motivated by belonging. Our interest and attention is focused on building relationships, considering the feelings of others, and expanding social influence.

Next week we’ll get started with one of the character traits in Likability: Approachable.

We’re looking forward to continuing on the Weekly Challenge journey with you. In the meantime, Happy Tilting!

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