As a computer programmer in my first job, I learned the slightest hole in program logic can result in an outcome different than expected. As a Clarity True Tilt, I found the problem-solving more exciting than the actual coding once an issue was identified. It took a methodical approach combing through the details and focusing on what was written in black in white (or, more accurately, black and green). Sometimes, as I debugged the code step by step, the program would jump to an unexpected place. Aha! I had just uncovered the break down in logic! Often, I had made an assumption that kept me from seeing the error in the first place — I was willing the code to go one place, but typing the logic that sent it to an entirely different place.

In today’s society, logical is often deemed to be the opposite of emotional, but I don’t see the two as mutually exclusive. The key is awareness. You can have emotions and be logical… but you can’t be overwhelmed with emotions and still be logical. Just like testing code requires a detachment from assumptions, it may take a detachment from emotions — a non-judgmental awareness — to focus on the logic. And in the end, the best decisions are made with both logic and emotions.

There are fun ways to improve logical thinking — playing word games, Sudoku, chess, etc. All help build your logic muscle… and help show you where you have blind spots that get in the way of logic. Have you ever ended up with two of the same number in a section of Sudoku? I sure have. When that happens, I find it helpful to take the time to unravel my mistake, to see where (and why) I jumped to a conclusion.

This week’s Challenge: This week, I will work to sharpen my logical thinking by playing with logical games!

Avoiding being Robotic (overuse): This week’s challenge is intentionally playful, to keep a lightness to being logical. Logic with no emotion becomes robotic –following a set of rules no matter what the context. This becomes problematic when people are harmed because the nuances of their situation weren’t considered.

Commendable Trait: Logical

Underused: Illogical

Overused: Robotic

Strength: Perspective

Quadrant: Wisdom

That’s not all… Take the next step on your path towards understanding why people do what they do by subscribing to Tilt Learning Journeys!